Navigating Hormone Health Holistically, Life, Healing, Recipes, and More

  • Proteins Vital Role in Womens Health

    To support hormonal balance and improve menstrual health, it's essential to include protein-rich foods in your diet. By prioritizing these foods and ensuring a balanced intake, you can provide their bodies with the necessary nutrients to achieve better hormonal balance and enhance overall menstrual health and who doesn’t want that!?

  • My Story: An Abnormal PAP

    September in Canada is Ovarian Cancer awareness month, working in the primary healthcare setting for the last several years. It was something I was aware of and knew was important as a woman but it wasn’t until I had my own personal experience that it really hit home.

  • An unusual path towards healing...

    And I know that sounds incredibly deep for a sourdough discussion lol.

    But it really has been part of my journey into re-creating a life that I feel has value, meaning and creativity as a way to pour my heart into - making something that everyone seems to love.

  • The Power of Social Connection

    The emotional support that we get from having strong relationships not only helps our mental health but also supports our physical and emotional health because of the positive impacts it has on reducing stress in our lives.

  • The Shift. What is it Exactly?

    Somewhere along the way we were sold this idea that it has to be all or nothing in order to be worth it or meaningful.

    What a way to further overwhelm our already overwhelmed nervous system!
    What we really need to make lasting change is daily shifts that will stay with us long term.